Hillary Clinton’s Smear BACKFIRED Hilariously, Leftists SLAM Incessant Orange Man Bad Narrative. The constant barrage of “orange man bad” is starting to take its toll on the left. For years we heard nothing else but Russia Russia Russia and it all turned out to be false. Not that long ago Hillary Clinton smeared Tulsi as a Russian Asset and now we have some hilarious backfiring. Tulsi now at 5% in the polls, up 4 points to put her above Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, and Beto O’Rourke. Perhaps when you keep saying nonsensical fake news people snap and push back. But its not just about Tulsi Gabbard, since the major announcement made by Trump high profile individuals on the left have taken to slamming ‘libs’ and the media for refusing to give Trump “one good day” Even the far left Nation published a piece in defense of the Durham probe. It seems the “orange man bad” narrative has gone so far that people have had enough. Leftists are starting to see that celebrities and the media is just crying wolf to get attention and now cracks are forming in their narrative.

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I'm a girl Friday who schedules posts. I'm in my early twenties and I voted for ACT at the last election.