In a few sentences describe who you are, and who the New Conservatives are?  

For myself, I’ve spent nearly twenty years with at-risk youth and families, in personal then professional life, and am a husband with two little punks who I adore.
For us, we are Kiwis who are at the coalface of various industries and fields, who have seen the gradual breakdown of family, freedom and our future and have chosen to stand and fight to retain the priceless values that are being replaced in our current time.

Why should people vote for the New Conservatives?

We defend the values of our culture as there is no other party who do so as a party – we stand unashamedly for the objectively high value of life from womb to tomb, a strong family and strong marriages, reward for effort, patriotism, the honouring of both pillars of society, respect, equality and justice.
No other party stands for what we stand for.

Some say a vote for any small party such as NC might be a wasted vote, what do you say to them? 

Vote for a party you don’t really believe in, whether for pragmatism or fear, and that will be a wasted vote.
Voting for your values is never a wasted vote.  

Which side of the political spectrum do NC lean toward and why?

The Left-Right spectrum would likely see us Centre/Centre Right.
More specifically we are conservatives, which Mary Matalin describes well:
“Conservatism vests in and depends on the widespread, informed understanding of human nature, self-governance and the First Principle of Progress: free people interacting in free markets produce the greatest good for the greatest number always, but only, when tethered to virtue and morality”.

Will you be standing in an electorate and if so, which one?

I will stand for Botany.

We all know that small parties in a coalition struggle to get much across the line, but what will be the first two policies that you will be pushing hard for, should you make it to parliament?

Depends on what strength we have; for myself I really want to return power to the New Zealand people via BCIR [Binding Citizens Initiated Referenda]- there is no system lever (beyond the Commonwealth linked one that will not be used) that keeps this government in check, especially regarding the continuing expansion of state control over our lives.
BCIR is the only policy that does this, and we are the only party who fight for this. 

Do NC have any “bottom lines” that you will not be swayed from?

“Bottom lines” is a sales pitch technique;  a promise in the ears that gives the illusion of strength and trust in the salesperson, for example:
“you won’t be talking to NZ First unless you want a referendum on both those issues at the mid-term mark of this election.”…cough.
Who we are and what we stand for is more transparent and written clearly than any other.
The more the votes, the more strength we have.

Can you see New Conservatives working with all parties or will you be ruling any out?

No…well, technically, we could work with any party, but to me, it makes no sense why we would work with those who push for socialism, state dependency, the breaking of family, unequal treatment and the like.
A running joke is that we would work with the Greens…if they removed 98% of their policies.

Do you believe that Man Made Climate Change is one of the most important issues NZ is currently facing?

Not by a long shot, and the billions being extracted from our nation’s economy to be sent to the economy of a foreign corporation for that reason is offensive.

You have worked with disadvantaged and wayward youth out at the coalface. What do you personally see as the most important thing that we as a nation could do to for our young people?

Repair the damage politicians and the Left have done to the family structure and marriage.
Leave it alone.
Two quick sentences that do require explanation, but that takes a bit of time.

Many readers of our site hold concerns about what influence Colin Craig may still have on your re-branded party. Are you able to advise if CC is a member of, or donates to New Conservatives and if he still has any influence within the new party?

Haven’t seen or heard from that guy in years (except for the news) – it was right that he fell on his sword, honour for that – we have to walk that talk; I hope his family are OK. 
No donation, influence, membership or whatever.

I see there is quite a lot of information about NC’s policies etc on your website, are there any policies in particular that you would like to highlight for The BFD readers?

I really love the 3 stage sentencing actually:
Work, Education, then Open, but with the kicker that if you don’t engage, you don’t get out, simple. That way we seek to help rehabilitation, but if someone wants to go ‘nah get stuffed’, then no exit.
I have always loved that one…

Where do you see both yourself and the New Conservatives in ten years time?

With a proud legacy that we returned values to New Zealand, and successfully defended her people from the Socialist/Marxist ideologies that are currently spreading throughout our culture.
Strong families, strong marriages, strong values, known worldwide, as we once were.

Thank you for your time today and for your efforts on the Nation’s stage. Is there anything else you would like to add by way of a final comment?

There are several quotes that I carry in my mind; one that I have both succeeded and failed at in my life is the most important in today’s political environment:
‘The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing’.

ExPFC, ex lots of things. I'm a passionate user of fossil fuels, a proud flag flying Kiwi, I have trouble suffering fools and the permanently offended. Sometimes I may play the devil's advocate, sometimes...