When President Donald Trump threatened to abandon NATO if delinquent European states didn’t pull their socks up and start paying their fair share of the collective defence pact, the panic was palpable. European nations like France and Germany have been free-riding on America’s dime for decades. Confident that the Americans would pay to keep the Soviet Union at bay, continental mendicants skived off paying their obligatory 2% of GDP to their own defence.

In return for its vast expenditure on collective defence, all America got in return was endless sneering and contempt from European elites.

President Trump wasn’t putting up with it. His threat to abandon NATO was met with a swift response: panicked European leaders fell over themselves to promise to pay their dues.

Trump is now issuing the same ultimatum to the most delinquent globalist entity of all, the United Nations. For its part, the UN is belatedly waking up to the fact that it needs America far more than vice-versa.

Facing a massive hole in its budget, the United Nations is implementing “emergency measures” to avoid missing payroll and other obligations before the end of the year. Unsurprisingly, UN bosses are demanding that taxpayers in America and other nations hand over more money now or face global catastrophe. Even UN officials and apologists, though, have blasted the “bloated” organization for squandering massive amounts of money on everything from luxurious air travel and fancy hotels to globalist propaganda promoting its own agenda. Trump reacted to the whining by calling on the UN to go look for money elsewhere.

America blows something in the order of $10 billion every year – more than 185 other member states combined. It’s not like America is getting much bang for its UN buck. America funds up to a third of the UN’s budget. China, just 8%. Yet, while America runs just one out of 15 of the UN’s agencies, the Chinese communists run nearly a third. These are the agencies often stuffed with some of the world’s most authoritarian regimes, which constantly attack America and its allies.

Americans and their elected president are getting tired of shouldering an outlandish portion of the burden. On the campaign trail, for instance, Trump noted that the UN was not a friend to freedom or the United States. He has also repeatedly blasted globalism, most recently telling the UN General Assembly that the future did not belong to globalists, but to patriots […]

Since his victory, Trump has dealt several major blows to the UN, even before this budget impasse. For instance, in 2017, the administration managed to get the UN budget slashed by a quarter of a billion dollars. That same year, Trump announced that the U.S. government was withdrawing from the UN Paris Agreement on “climate change.” He also withdrew from several key UN organs including UNESCO, the UN’s totalitarian-controlled “education” bureaucracy; and from the dictator-controlled UN “Human Rights Council,” which specializes in praising mass-murdering regimes while constantly attacking America and other nations that still enjoy some freedoms. Trump defunded a number of UN programs, agencies, and schemes, too.

The UN is a bloated bureaucracy of “corridor elitists” which is increasingly violating its own charter – which promises to respect the sovereignty of member states. Yet the UN continually intrudes on member states’ sovereignty – most egregiously when it effectively toppled Libya’s regime, leaving the country a failed state with open-air slave markets.

The precursor to the UN was the largely forgotten League of Nations. The League lasted just 25 years before it was abandoned as a failure. The UN has hung around for three times as long, but it may well be that its time is long past. While it arguably played a vital role in the Cold War, including the Cuban Missile Crisis, that was nearly 60 years ago.

Rather than making it more efficient, or less corrupt […]liberty-minded lawmakers say the time has come for the U.S. government to completely ditch the UN and remove its headquarters from U.S. soil. “It’s full of dictators, and it’s also something that I don’t think our sovereign government should defer to”…Democrats hope to keep it bottled up. But if they lose control of the House at the next election, an “Amexit” from the UN may well end up on the agenda.



Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...