You genuinely have to wonder whether the contemporary left are just completely blind to their cognitive dissonance, or if they really are the cynical hypocrites they’d have to be, to believe and act as they do.

As one Twitter user notes, abortion-loving feminists tout The Handmaid’s Tale, even though its dystopian society is predicated on the inherent value of children, and its worst villains are all women. Leftists also rushed to buy 1984 after the Trump election, apparently only to use it as an instruction manual.

But the biggest, most cynical lie of the modern left is their endless, endless screeching that “We’re going back to the 1930s!” Like their rush to embrace 1984, their great hypocrisy is that the only people creating anything like the atmosphere of the 1930s is them. The actual Fascists were statists who dressed in black and took to the streets to bludgeon their opponents into submission. Which wing of politics is doing just that, today? Meanwhile, the left in Britain are exploiting a weakened democracy to install an anti-Semitic socialist ideologue in power. “Just like Nazi Germany,” indeed.

Nowhere, though, is the left closer to the (real) Nazis than in their overweening obsession with race.

Welcome to Nazi Germany, mid-to-late 1930s. Many fake analysts of the left have been calling out false comparisons between our country and Nazi Germany for at least twenty years (though few such things were said during the last president’s administration), and now they are finally right […]We have finally arrived, after all this is the place where the leftists and Democrat identity politics demagogues want us to be […]

What then brings our two societies now into close alignment? Race.

The modern left are obsessed with race. As Theodore Dalrymple has noted, despite their hypocritical protestations of “anti-racism”, the left “looks at the world through race-tinted spectacles”. For the left, everything, everything is about race. “Just like Nazi Germany.”

Hitler was obsessed with race as were all of his acolytes. They understood politics not as states (and their citizens) interacting with one another, sometimes warring with one another, but rather as race conflict with what they considered the “superior” race (themselves) entirely entitled to destroy whomever they considered to be “inferior” races […]

Politics for them was another way to talk about race, identify race enemies, and destroy and conquer them in turn. It’s a repellent view of the world and of humanity and places every person as a member of identity groups and diminishes all in that way.

To underscore the moral bankruptcy of the modern left, consider how far they have drifted from one of the great moral statements of modern times: “a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character”. Following the odious ideology of “intersectionality”, the left only ever judge people by the colour of their skin.

It’s a tragedy. Well, the times they are a changing, certainly; but the times they are broken, specifically for this reason […]there are no race divisions in the United States other than those fostered and promulgated by revolutionists and the ignorant […]

This unity of identity is the core of the country and without it, well . . . next stop Berlin.
Original cartoon: Patriarchy Comics.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...