A very interesting discussion covering political Islam, Western Civilization, history, South Africa, propaganda etc. It is long but definitely worth watching.

Discussing online agitprop with Lloyd De Jongh

Having lived in Africa, the Middle East and Europe, and having worked at some of the highest tech levels, Mr. Lloyd De Jongh is a well-travelled man and a man of knowledge. Currently a resident of Warsaw, Poland, Mr. De Jongh has somewhat accidentally fallen into the wider narrative war that is currently being fought for the soul of Western Civilization. In the two hours we spend in front of the cameras, we got to discuss the history and the current situation of the Republic of South Africa, the organizing of various extremist movements tasked with spreading propaganda online (in particular antisemitic, communist and in favor of the supremacy of a certain religion of special needs), identity politics and generally about how to be precise and effective in developing, spreading and cementing counter-narratives. In particular we spent quite a bit of time on the methods of anti-Western propaganda – namely on shame, amnesia and irrationality – methods that seem to be quite consistent with all enemies of freedom, whether they rally under a hammer and sickle, under fascias, crescent, Duginism, or anything else, really. While Mr. De Jongh sometimes gets into hot waters because he baits people (which he admits he loves it and nobody reasonable can blame him, lol) – this video is mandatory watching for all those who are or want to get involved.

I'm a girl Friday who schedules posts. I'm in my early twenties and I voted for ACT at the last election.