Have our plutocratic overlords overreached with their vengeful pursuit of Wallabies player Israel Folau? Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (and certainly not reading Whaleoil), you’d know that Folau has been dragged over the coals, again, by the cat’s-bum-mouthed inquisitors of Rugby Australia, for quoting the Bible. Folau is in grave danger of having his career all but terminated.

“How did our State and our nation ever come to this?” asked Mark Latham in the NSW parliament. “No Australian should be fearful of proclaiming four of the most glorious words of our civilisation: I Am A Christian. No one should be sacked by their employer for statements of genuine belief and faith that have got nothing to do with their job.”

It seems that many Australians agree with former national coach Alan Jones that Folau “battles for all Australians”. quote.

Australian Super Rugby players from the Melbourne Rebels and the Queensland Reds huddled for a post-match prayer on Friday amid reports of anger among the game’s Christians over the handling of the Israel Folau social media furore […]

Following the Rebels’ 30-24 win over the Reds, players from both sides knelt on the pitch with arms locked in a circle as Reds hooker Brandon Paenga-Amosa addressed the group with emotion. end quote.

A Newspaper

While an online poll at Newshub registered a slim majority support for Folau, an Australian poll found near-universal support for the embattled Christian. quote.

The poll attracted 21,700 respondents, with 89 per cent saying Folau should not have his $4 million contract torn up this weekend despite his Instagram post…The majority of respondents to the poll respected Folau’s wish to completely surrender to Instagram posts that quoted hardcore and controversial scripture, while not necessarily agreeing with those beliefs or the clumsy manner in which he expressed them. end quote.


The near-unanimous support for Folau is echoed in another poll that shows that Australians overwhelmingly support religious rights in general – in clear defiance of the left-dominated media-cultural elite. quote.

Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten are being urged to heed polling that shows 70 per cent of Aust­ralians support the ability of faith-based educators to recruit staff willing to uphold the religious ethos of a school.

The polling also shows that two-thirds of the population believe­s Australian laws must protect the “universal human right to hold and practise religious beliefs.” end quote.

Meanwhile, consistent with its slide to the far left, Labor is promoting tightening even further the legislative chokehold on Australians’ freedom of expression and belief – especially religious belief. quote.

The findings will increase pressur­e on Labor to explain how it would prevent activist teachers from undermining the values of faith-based educators over issues such as same-sex marriage.

Labor has already told religious schools it plans to remove key protectio­ns for religious schools from the Sex Discrimination Act to better protect teachers from being discriminated against on the basis of sexual orientation.

The pledge has raised concerns among some Christian educators, who fear they will be legally expose­d if they move against teachers who seek to undermine promotion of a traditional religiou­s view of marriage as being between a man and a woman. end quote.


The watermelon elite would be well advised to pull their heads out of their self-righteous echo-chamber and for once pay attention to ordinary Australians, instead of just sneering at them as “deplorables”. “Make no mistake,” warns Alan Jones. “The rugby ­administration has poked the bear of the silent majority.”

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...