The central conceit of capital-M Multiculturalism is that ?diversity is strength?: an aptly Orwellian motto. But, as the US is finding in the case of Democrat politician Ilhan Omar, diversity is nothing but hatred and divisiveness. Omar has developed an unenviable reputation for anti-Semitism, even for the left. But now it appears as though she hates, not just Jews, but the United States itself. Quote:

The United States Army was the villain in the “Black Hawk Down” incident in Somalia, U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., wrote in a 2017 Twitter post.

Omar, a Somali native elected to Congress last fall, was responding to a tweet that falsely described the 1993 Battle of Mogadishu as the worst terrorist attack in Somali history. The original tweet noted that 19 American soldiers were killed and 73 American soldiers were wounded.

“In his selective memory, [the writer] forgets to also mention the thousands of Somalis killed by the American forces that day! #NotTodaySatan,” Omar wrote while still a Minnesota state legislator. End of quote.

Omar?s hashtag of choice is very telling: ?America the Great Satan? is a standard trope of anti-Western Islamic supremacists. Quote:

She also is building a record of inaccurate statements. Most recently, she incorrectly said that the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was founded after 9/11, when “some people did something” and Muslim Americans faced new civil rights threats. Many critics saw the “some people did something” line as minimizing the magnitude of the al-Qaida attack on America. But as a basic fact, CAIR ? her host that night ? was formed in 1994 as an outgrowth of a Muslim Brotherhood-created Hamas support network in America.

Omar’s attack on U.S. soldiers involved in the “Black Hawk Down” incident appears to have gone unnoticed until now.

Her tweet saying that “thousands of Somalis [were] killed by the American forces” exaggerated the Somali death toll and omitted important context. End of quote.

Agree with it or not, the United States? presence in Somalia in 1993 was humanitarian, and in no small part motivated by domestic pressure, especially from minority groups. Quote:

The U.S. military was in Somalia as part of a humanitarian mission to save starving Somalis and protect food and aid from being stolen by warring factions.

Somali casualty counts vary dramatically, in part due to the nature of the battle. But few credible estimates place the figure anywhere near the “thousands” Omar claimed were killed.

?Higher estimates may be related to the swarm-like tactics used by thousands of Aidid’s clan members to overwhelm American forces. Women and children also attacked the U.S. troops, carrying everything from machine guns to knives and machetes. End of quote.

The US foolishly went into Somalia, naively thinking they could help a suffering people. They found to their regret that some peoples? hatred of the US is deranged beyond reason. Even when they?re granted asylum and elected to political office in the United States itself. Quote:

Zuhdi Jasser, president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, was a Navy physician on the U.S.S. El Paso, which served in Operation Restore Hope in late July 1993, almost two months before the Battle of Mogadishu. He says he can’t watch the Black Hawk Down movie because he knew many people who served in the Somalia operation.

Omar’s 2017 comment “clarifies the narrative with which she speaks about America,” Jasser said?Omar’s criticism of U.S. soldiers is symptomatic of what he sees as her anti-Americanism.

“I’m particularly offended as an American and as a Muslim that nobody is holding her accountable for these radical views that really view our soldiers as the problem rather than the solution,” Jasser said. “She doesn’t see terror groups as an issue. She’s asked for lighter sentencing for ISIS war criminals. She ignores Al-Shabaab recruitment from her district ? the highest in the U.S. ? and fought our CVE programs there with CAIR.”

This worldview is even more concerning since Omar has been assigned to the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which is tasked with legislation and oversight on international relations, including “war powers, treaties, executive agreements, and the deployment and use of United States Armed Forces; peacekeeping, peace enforcement, and enforcement of United Nations or other international sanctions; arms control and disarmament issues.” End of quote.


Such diversity. Such strength.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...