
“Today, day 927 into this pandemic, we have reached a major milestone in our journey with COVID-19”, Jacinda Ardern proclaimed, trumpeting the end of nearly 3 years of draconian COVID-19 restrictions, bar a few mask and isolation requirements.

During the last 927 days of this pandemic, I have lost friends, been outcast by family members, lost my job and endured untold emotional blackmail, bullying, coercion, scorn and ridicule. I have been relegated to being a disease-spreading second-class citizen and barred from certain public and private places. And yet, unvaccinated and largely unmasked, I have failed to catch COVID-19.

For months I tortured myself with daily episodes from the Podium of Pain where the Princess of Propaganda and her Pungent Pawns tried to scare me, manipulate me and fill my head with lies and misinformation. Where I was told repeatedly that the “tricky virus” was “literally finding the unvaccinated”. Where fear was the flavour of every month.

Totally Unhinged. Photoshopped image credit Wibble. The BFD.

Perhaps the change of address brought on by a forced new job (in part because of immoral, destructive and what has proven to be completely pointless mandates), confused that poor “tricky virus”. Despite my working the first two years of the pandemic in a virus incubating environment – a school – and then more recently, in a busy customer-facing retail environment, that “tricky virus” “literally” hasn’t managed to find me. Ironically, it has had no trouble finding many of the vaccinated people I know.

Even the good ol’ ’flu is struggling to find me this season, although again, it seems to have no trouble finding many of the jabbed – repeatedly and with long lingering effect too, I might add. A young, fit and otherwise healthy triple vaccinated colleague said to me recently, on the tail end of a nasty bout of ’flu, and shortly before being slapped in the face with Covid, “prior to this year I only got sick once every 4 or 5 years, but this year I’ve been sick repeatedly.” The penny still hasn’t dropped.

During the many months of unrelenting madness, after the doors to the asylum were flung open and the insane wandered out to be heralded as experts, and while much of the country completely lost its mind, I endeavoured to remain as sane and open-minded as possible. I listened to both sides of the argument, followed the science and paid attention to my gut (admittedly ever expanding due to an overindulgence of “stay home”, “stay safe”, “be kind”, “don’t talk to your neighbour”, lockdowns).

I watched mainstream media, read articles from reputed and trusted sources and listened intently to what the Prime Minister, the COVID-19 Minister, the Director General of Health and the experts had to say. At the same time, I also listened to what the likes of Dr Robert Malone, Dr Peter McCullough, Prof Mattias Desmet, and our very own Dr Guy Hatchard had to say. I weighed it all up, factored in my personal risk profile and made my decisions around what I thought was sense and science, not fear.

Reflecting back, it’s hard now not to see that one side of the equation was a control-obsessed fanatical cult, striving for unquestioning faith in ‘the science’, as if it were some new universal religion we must all adopt. If one dared question ‘the science’ or spoke out against it they were quickly cast out as a heretic guilty of blasphemy, or worse, granny-killing murder. Not following ‘the science’ came at one’s own peril.

Those that came together from across the country to demand an audience with “the single source of truth”, the High Princess of Propaganda herself, Jacinda Ardern, after prolonged hardship and suffering, learnt first-hand what happens when you refuse to “follow the science”. 

They were ignored, discredited, labelled “far-right conspiracy theorists”, sprayed with water, subjected to loud music on loop day and night and called a “river of filth”. Finally, they were herded like cattle by the aggressive jackboots of a ruthless regime clinging to power and insanity.

Ardern’s Police State. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

During the darkest hour of the pandemic, when we adopted the God-forsaken traffic light system, vaccine passes and vaccine mandates and ushered in a two-tiered society, I endeavoured to stand firm through wave after wave of propaganda and pressure. I wrote on a napkin, affixed to the fridge, “I do not consent. No to the vaccine!”, to give myself a daily reminder whenever my confidence wavered. When the pressure of giving up the job I loved weighed heavy on my shoulders. When I worried about where my next dollar would come from. When being refused entry into places I frequented took full effect. When I feared health authorities or police would knock on my door as part of their “street by street” approach. And when family, friends, colleagues, my employer, my doctor, the media and the state emotionally blackmailed, pressured or bribed me.

I still have that napkin, a token of my resistance to being ground down by an oppressive regime gone mad. I’ll keep it as a reminder of not being infected with their insanity. And one thing’s for sure, I’ll never forget!

I admit I had my moments. Moments where I questioned myself. Moments where the fear got to me. Moments where I gave the vaccine serious thought. But that was almost always driven by an innate human desire to belong, to be welcomed, to be accepted, to be part of the team, or by some shortsighted longing to keep my job and life as I knew it.

There were moments when I wondered if maybe I was wrong. Maybe I had been radicalised by “far-right conspiracy theorists” online. Maybe my all-time low trust in Government, health officials, experts and mainstream media was irrational and unjustified. Maybe I really had become a crazy conspiracy theorist. But there were many more moments when I felt like I was stone-cold sober, more awake than I had ever been and finally seeing reality for what it truly was.

Hindsight tells me I made the right decision not to get vaccinated, not to succumb to the pressure. It’s shouting at me louder and louder every day now that many of my suspicions and concerns about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine were justified and that my lack of trust in officials and experts was rational.

Towards the end of the Prime Minister’s press conference, she said “we all just need to respect everyone’s individual decisions”. 

Where was that respect for people’s individual decisions when people lost their relationships, their jobs, their homes, and in some cases, when it all got too much, their lives?

While I might have survived the worst Ardern could throw at me, many others have had a hell of a time and not fared as well.

The nerve of the Prime Minister to blame Covid for exacerbating our mental health, when in fact it was her regime, her draconian restrictions and her two-tiered “Yip, yip, that’s what it is” state-sanctioned discrimination to blame!

“As a nation, COVID has hurt us in many ways but perhaps the one we talk about less than others is the toll it’s taken on everyone’s mental health. I don’t want people’s well-being to be the price of COVID”

PM Jacinda Ardern

The Prime Minister ended her press conference with the words “things did get worse, things did get hard, but it’s also true that finally they will and can be better”.

Only when that wretched woman and her lot finally depart, when her Government is relegated to a bad chapter in our history, can things “be better”. Her Government has done untold damage to this country and will continue to inflict damage on this nation as long as it remains in power. Until then, we must keep pushing back, standing up and saying no, before we can start the long and arduous journey to rebuilding this once fine country.

We must first rid ourselves of the evil that lurks in the halls of Parliament and the nasty shadow it casts across the land. While we can celebrate the end of the traffic light system and most Covid restrictions, the job is far from done.

We have weathered this storm. An encouraging number of Kiwis have stood up for our rights and our freedoms, even when their fellow citizens have turned against them. We can take a bit of a breather, be proud of our strength and resilience during an unprecedented assault on our wellbeing by a cruel and callous regime and regroup. But, we must fight on, as long as evil still lurks, our work is not finished.

We must not forget and we must make sure that what has happened, never happens again.

We can be proud of what we have achieved. From those who stood loudly and proudly on the lawns of Parliament, to those who attended protests and marches across the country, to those who organised grassroots movements, to those who rebelled by challenging or not following rules, to those like me, who quietly chipped away at the foundations – editing literally thousands of snippets of video from the “single source of truth” and its mainstream minions to share on social media for the world to see. Videos that were ultimately viewed and shared millions of times and found themselves in front of GB News presenters, Joe Rogan and others and led to widely viewed personalities publicly calling out our Prime Minister and ridiculing our cruel approach to COVID-19.

Every little bit helps. Every one of us who stood tall during some of our darkest hours as a nation can be proud. Today, 927 days into this pandemic, the battle to end the traffic light system and most Covid restrictions may have been won, but until we’re all singing “Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead”, the war still rages on.

Ding Dong.

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