On Friday we saw just how committed the NZ Herald is to defending democracy. They aren’t. Instead their dark forces have been marshalled to act as state agitprop. They were deployed, not to welcome a whistleblower shining light on the scuttling cockroaches in our police and government, but rather to attempt to poison the well against a media outlet that was actually doing what they should have been doing: speaking truth to power. And the Herald wonders why we no longer trust them.
David Fisher shat his words all over the paper, spraying them like a mad woman’s poo as he sought to defend the indefensible. He called a whistleblower a “mole”, as though I had inserted an operative into the serried ranks of the NZ Police. His article was nothing other than a scream of a sad reporter, angry that secrets weren’t being whispered into his ears. What David Fisher and the NZ Herald have failed to realise is that they are on the decline: readers are leaving in droves and coming to the light of news organisations like The BFD and Rebel News.
He is so blinded by his loathing of me that he unwittingly signalled just how bad things are for them.
It was obtained and published on Monday by former Whaleoil blogger Cameron Slater on his new blog which regularly pushes Covid-19 conspiracy theories and views well along the right of the political spectrum.
The email was then picked up by right-leaning media outlets such as The Platform and Sky News Australia and has since spread to alternative news outlets with millions of followers.
NZ Herald
Yep… couldn’t dare say The BFD, could he, but more importantly, he was telling the thousands of readers of the NZ Herald that they really should be reading our site because our stories have a reach of millions.
If he were a jealous lover, he’d be boiling bunnies, scratching the glass and panels of my car, slashing tires and sending hate porn all over Facebook. He really is a sad, lonely loser sitting in Kerikeri wailing at the world at his impotence while we are reaching millions. When did the NZ Herald last break a story that had the reach of millions?
They have become the sound of one hand clapping.
It’s not like it should be a surprise either. Edelman runs a worldwide trust survey every year. This year’s results have just been published, and they present a dire situation for traditional media and political leaders. Basically we’d rather trust our boss than either of those two groupings.
The signals were there last year, and since that report things have gotten much worse. Their key finding is:
Got that? Now you no longer need to wonder why our media is on a full-court press, attacking those with dissenting views. They know, from this report, that no one trusts them anymore, so they are actively working hand in glove with this Government to seek and destroy those who dare to stand against their corrupt narrative. Edelman’s Top 10 findings show media trust is at the core of the slipping trust people have in media and politicians, and explains why sites like The BFD and Rebel News are growing exponentially.
Taking a deep dive into the findings shows us that it is actually the media and politicians driving the rise of mis- and dis-information, rather than those that they accuse. Little wonder then that Stuff is on a seek-and-destroy mission, actively debasing our democratic processes with their fake news, demonisation of individuals and groups, mockumentaries and ad hominem attacks. Journalism it is not.
It is the government and the media that are seen as divisive. They are seen as a dividing force not a unifying force. Jacinda Ardern is certainly one of the worst.
Edelman notes that news companies have accelerated their slide to oblivion, and they’ve used their own ink and papers to do it. Note that Australia and Canada are pretty bad. I wonder what the scores are for New Zealand and Jacinda Ardern.
There is no sugar coating the leadership numbers for petty tyrants like Ardern and Canada’s Justin Trudeau. We simply no longer trust these draconian socialist weasels. More and more people are becoming convinced that we are being lied to:
There is no shirking from those numbers. We despise and distrust both media and our leaders. Before all you National Party forelock tuggers get enthused, it also means the leadership of opposition parties. People really are waking up that voting just encourages these incorrigible liars.
The politicians and the media love to label ‘The Great Reset’ as a conspiracy theory. And it may well be, but I’d suggest there is a Great Reset coming, and it isn’t what they think it is. When you get distrust levels like we are seeing in this report then you are on the cusp of a great upheaval, where people wrest power from the corrupted hands of the politicians and the media alike. This is the sort of stuff that starts as the crumbling edifice of an Empire and ends with the Vandals sacking Rome.
The media are supposed to be the Fourth Estate, which refers to the news media, both in explicit capacity of advocacy and implicit ability to frame political issues. The problem is, under this Government the media have increasingly become the propaganda press of the Government. Little wonder then that no one trusts them anymore. This isn’t a wacky conspiracy theory: it is tabulated fact and evidence-based, as Edelman’s Trust Barometer shows.
One thing is clear, the media and the Government are part of the problem, not part of the solution. And who reads yesterday’s papers anyway?
You all have a choice now…continue to support them through advertising and subscriptions, where they have shown absolute disdain for their readers, or you can trust us to continue to deliver stories that reach millions, as David Fisher helpfully confirms.
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