As part of our drive to keep our comment section the best in New Zealand we showcase each week an example of a top-notch comment that adds value to The BFD.

Today’s comment was written by Andy Thank you Andy for taking the time to craft such an interesting comment.

Dear Mr Shaw,

I have to laugh at your classic: “Give the poor people EVs to drive” when they cry out.

You own a lowly $80,000 Hyundai EV. And you want the peasants to share your pain. I drive a 22-year-old Toyota Estima. Been well serviced and has lasted longer than many of the expired second-hand leaf’s pouring into NZ. The building of my car didn’t involve those healthy young kids in the Congo digging in the ground with their hands for rare earth minerals either. But we mustn’t mention that.

Child labour Congo. Children cobalt mining
Child labour Congo. Children cobalt mining

By the way, NZ’s electricity generation (not to mention the world’s rare earth minerals,) is not designed for everybody to drive an EV. But again, we shouldn’t really mention facts like these. Truth is like Kryptonite to “Environmentally caring” people like you.

How about you take a step back from enforcing failed everywhere, communist ideologies on your subjects. There is no climate crisis apart from in your childish imagination. Carbon is an essential element that supports all life on this planet. Without it, you would not survive. And yes, that irony is not lost on me.

The only change in sea level is the tide going out on your useless country destroying Govt. Your policy release to Hosking was almost as tragic as the Titanic. You have been allowed to make a fool of yourself, yet again, so the country’s attention will go on you long enough to give Robertson and his useless boss, some time away from the spotlight with the Maori take over, fuel crisis, out of control crime and run-away inflation. You have been set up like a dog’s dinner. Chloe also says thanks for taking one for the team.

Anyway, get used to being ridiculed, shame you’re just not smart enough to see everyone is laughing at you.

PS Post-election why don’t you have a go at selling some of those cheap second-hand Priuses. I hear you have a source of where to buy them real cheap.

Oh, and don’t tell me what car I can drive comrade. We aren’t quite the Soviet Union yet.

Mr Proud Carbon User.

A contribution from The BFD staff.