With Donald J Trump what you see is what you get. There are no hidden agendas and shadowy figures lurking in the background influencing decision making.

New Zealand media are going to go nuts when they realise Donald J Trump is on the political come-back trail. Their heads will spin wildly, their eyes will pop out on stalks and their mouths will spray manure 360 degrees. The left despise Trump with vengeance.

Arrogant and outspoken, Trump is intuitive and calls a spade a spade. Melania will be bracing for round two because there’s no stopping Trump when he’s on a mission and this time around the ride will be wild.

The world has fallen on tough times and leaders of the utmost moral fibre, courage and ingenuity are needed to get western countries back on track toward financial recovery.

Trump wrapped up the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) 2022 this week with an address claiming the world is “the most chaotic since WWII.”

Trump fixated on his election loss alleging vote rigging and played the trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s forthcoming documentary “2,000 Mules” which includes significant actual footage of extraordinary amounts of late-night ballot box stuffing.

Roger L. Simon of the Epoch Times was at CPAC and recorded a few snippets of Trump’s speech relating to Putin’s Russian invasion of Ukraine.

“The problem is not that Putin is smart. Of course, he’s smart. The real problem is that our leaders are dumb.”

Former White House physician and current Texas Republican congressman Ronny Jackson doubled down this week on his repeated claims that Joe Biden ‘is not fit to be our president right now.’ It’s a valid argument when Joe Biden has been caught on camera many times forgetting where he is and what he is supposed to say.

Biden’s inability at times to string a coherent sentence together appears inconsistent with the claim that the Biden administration instigated discussions to push Putin’s buttons until you acknowledge that Biden is simply a puppet.

The argument for US involvement was the opportunity to incite Putin into a war with Ukraine and provide a much needed diversion from the US’s shabby economic performance. Last year their trade deficit topped a trillion dollars for the first time ever.

“The Biden team was getting pummeled for negative economic outcomes, massive inflation, skyrocketing energy costs and gas prices set to double.  Support for the administration was/is collapsing as the policy outcomes of the administration were felt.

Within the book of instructions for the ideological crew, the Alinsky people behind Biden, there are chapters on how to create off-ramps to cloud their agenda.

If they need a bigger cloud, they create a crisis. The crisis then becomes the cover, the justification to explain the outcomes of their agenda.

As we have witnessed, the White House is shifting blame for the collapsing economy, surging oil prices, massive gas price increases and overall U.S. inflation. The manufactured crisis in Ukraine then takes on a geopolitical angle and a domestic angle.  The rate of inflation, rising oil and gas prices, are now being blamed on Russia-Ukraine.”

The Conservative Treehouse

There are other candidates pulling Biden’s strings besides Saul Alinsky. Top of the list is Barack Obama who strangely has set up home handily close to the White House; and let’s not forget the rich and influential candidates like George Soros and Hillary Clinton showing strong support for Ukraine. Virtually everyone on the left oozes hostility toward Russia from every orifice.

Walking back Trump’s US energy independence was a snap for the Biden administration using their climate change agenda.

“Two days ago, they [the Biden administration] canceled many oil and gas leases because of the environment.”
“We should not be buying Russian energy, but rather allow the people of our country to start producing like they did just one year ago.”

Trump couldn’t resist firing off a shot at Justin Trudeau whose attempts to talk tough made him look stupid when he declared a ban on Russian crude oil despite Canada having not imported Russian crude for years.

“If the radical Democrats truly want to fight for democracy … they should start with the democracy that is under threat right next door. A place called Canada.”
“They want to do the same thing to America that Trudeau has been doing to Canada, but much, much worse.”

Epoch Times

With Donald J Trump what you see is what you get. There are no hidden agendas and shadowy figures lurking in the background influencing decision making. It’s one of the things I particularly like about him, that and his strong distaste for mainstream media.

I am happily a New Zealander whose heritage shaped but does not define. Four generations ago my forebears left overcrowded, poverty ridden England, Ireland and Germany for better prospects here. They were...