The word for today is…

facile (adjective):

1a(1) : easily accomplished or attained
(2) : shallow, simplistic
b : used or comprehended with ease
c : readily manifested and often lacking sincerity or depth
2 archaic : mild or pleasing in manner or disposition

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Would you have guessed that “facile” and “difficult” are related? They are! “Facile” comes to us through Middle French, from the Latin word facilis, meaning “easy, and ultimately from facere, meaning “to make or do.” “Difficult” traces to “facilis” as well, but its history also involves the negative prefix dis-, meaning “not.” “Facile” can mean “easy” or “easily done,” as befits its Latin roots, but it now often adds the connotation of undue haste or shallowness, as in “facile answers to complex questions.”

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David is a retired surgeon originally from London who came to New Zealand twenty-seven years ago after being delayed in Singapore for thirteen years on leaving the UK. He was coerced into studying Latin...