Jacinda Ardern is hell-bent on killing off democracy in this country, aided and abetted by a compliant media she has bought using our money. I noted there was nothing on One News about the very large protest in the Domain on Saturday.

Ardern is displaying all the hallmarks of a despot. The dictionary definition of despot is “a ruler or other person who holds absolute power, typically one who exercises it in a cruel and oppressive way”. Someone, please tell me I’m wrong. To me, that description fits her perfectly.

Ball and Chain. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

According to the NZ Herald, the latest news about Ardern is a diversionary article on her wedding. Having upset the owner of the venue over who would be cooking what; there was apparently a stoush over the food, namely wild venison. She might like to know that a significant slice of the public is also wild, not about venison but about her.

A masked protester from Saturday’s Auckland Domain lockdown protest.

The numbers turning out to the protests are increasing, particularly in Auckland. Those attending are technically breaking the rules but not the law. You can now risk arrest in this country for breaking rules instituted by a Marxist government led by a despot.

If this government carries on the way it is, the country risks descending into anarchy. A government of Marxists has little idea about preserving democracy or indeed what democracy actually is. Democracy to them is all about that evil thing called capitalism and must be stamped out. The way they are behaving displays all the hallmarks of a government that would prefer a totalitarian system of governance.

I have a suspicion that anarchy is exactly what Ardern would like. It would play right into her hands. Watch the jackboots come into play then.

The people are stirring. Her Facebook and Instagram pages are testaments to that. Even some of her luvvies are changing their tune. Covid, which at the start had her looking like a winner, is fast turning her into a loser. ‘Plank of the Week’ was her prize last week on a UK television programme. Ardern is a bully and also a coward, as most bullies are, hence her continued non-appearance in Auckland. There are no good news stories there.

I have a warning for the NZ Police. You need to be very careful regarding your modus operandi. If there is one organisation that relies more than any other on public support and goodwill, it is the Police. Acting in a way that upholds the law is a good thing, arresting people for breaking rules is quite another. The long arm of the law should be just that and not an arm of the government.

It is the right of everyone to protest. That is democracy. Instead of going along with government edicts, the Police hierarchy should be pointing out that having to arrest people for breaking rules not laws sets a very dangerous precedent.

Stripping councils of their water assets by legal mandate in order to overcome their opposition, as Nanaia Mahuta has done, is not democracy. This government’s propensity to rush legislation through Parliament with little time for submissions or consultation illustrates the point.

Fortunately, the country is starting to wake up to what is going on. The protests seen over the last few weeks may be the start of a tidal wave of opposition against this government. When that happens Ardern will be far from happy and her reaction could well be of a tyrannical nature. The country could well be in for a situation where the majority of her divided team of five million unite against her. Things will then start to get very ugly.

I support the right to peacefully protest without interference from Mr Plod. I support the right of any government to pass laws that are in line with the country’s principles. I support the Police while they act according to the laws of the land. I support a government that acts in a democratic manner. I support actions that take into account a person’s interests under the Bill of Rights. I support a New Zealand where all races live equally together.

This government is acting in a manner that is totally contrary to all of the above. It’s divide and rule and conquer. How can you have a team of five million on the one hand while deliberately dividing them on the other? Ardern cheerfully admitted she was doing this on television the other day.  The methods by which Covid is being mismanaged, and the accompanying spin, are waking people up to the real Jacinda Ardern and her band of incompetent fellow-travellers.

I expect the protests to get bigger due to the actions of both the government and the Police. Arresting people for breaking rules is, in my view, a form of incitement. I don’t believe a majority of the Police are in agreement with the tasks they have been given. In the final analysis, when the rubber meets the road, most Kiwis will opt for true democracy over Ardern’s idea of utopia.

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