The word for today is…

arrive (verb) –

1a : to reach a destination
b : to make an appearance : to come upon the scene
2 : to be near in time :
3 informal : to achieve success
4 archaic : happen

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Middle English ariven, arriven “to reach the end of a journey by sea, disembark, reach a destination,” borrowed from Anglo-French ariver, arriver “to bring (a person, a ship) to shore, to reach a destination by ship, disembark” (also continental Old French), going back to Vulgar Latin arripare, parasynthetic derivative from Latin ad ripam “up to the shore, at the shore” from ad “to, at” + ripam, accusative of ripa “bank, shore”. Sense 3: borrowed from French arriver (attested in this sense since the 18th century)

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David is a retired surgeon originally from London who came to New Zealand twenty-seven years ago after being delayed in Singapore for thirteen years on leaving the UK. He was coerced into studying Latin...