The peasants are revolting. A petition that calls for the resignation of PM Jacinda Ardern has already attracted over 21,000 signatures.

Enough is enough…

The constant and blatant Abuse of Powers by the current Prime Minister and her government has gone too far.

From False Promises during election time, to causing Racial Divide in our country, the current Prime Minister and her government are steering all of us in a direction which is Dangerous to our Freedoms!

This has been happening ever since the CHCH Mosque attack, the first group of New Zealanders to be on the Prime Minister and her governments hit list were Law Abiding Firearms Owners, where blatant Scapegoating and Social Divide were pushed in an Unfair and Malicious manner which caused unnecessary tension for this group….some would go as far as saying it was Discrimination.

Fast forward Covid, the previous election, and numerous Law Changes/Proposals, life in New Zealand hasn’t gotten any better, especially after what was promised to us. No! what has happened instead are more Taxes, a bunch of Laws that take away Freedoms of Speech and now a restructure of Government/Healthcare that gives Racial Privileges without ANY public discussion…..are we still living in a Democracy or are we all more than happy to just let this Prime Minister and her government to make all of our decisions with no open debates or communication?

The amount of Rushed Laws and changes that this Prime Minister and her government have pushed through during this State of Fear from Covid is truly alarming and worrying to say the least, but i fear the worst is still to come! A slow and gradual Permanent Change is always easier to carry out than a Quick and Forced one…think about the bigger picture here, look at what has been done in the last couple of years and gain awareness as to what direction we are being taken in as a country. Lets Do Something About It!!!

It is unlikely that mainstream media will report on the existence of this petition as it does not support their narrative that Jacinda Ardern is a beloved and popular PM who saved us all.

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