Neville Dodd, President
Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand Inc. 

The Sporting Shooters Association of New Zealand congratulates NZ Police on its success in concluding the New Zealand end of Operation Trojan Shield, which saw the arrest of 35 people involved in the illegal drug trade and the seizure of $3.7 million assets, which included drugs, cash, firearms, vehicles and boats. 

President Neville Dodd said, “while we are quick to criticise our police for policy decisions that adversely affect New Zealand lawful firearm owners we must give credit where it is due. These arrests of gang leaders and members of other organised criminal groups is a significant disruption of the drug trade that is so damaging to our communities.” 

Police are also to be congratulated for recent arrests made of suspects involved in shootings, believed mostly gang related, that have taken place over the past months. 

As Dodd says “ It is encouraging to see our police arresting the bad guys, and removing drugs and illegal firearms from circulation. We hope their efforts are adequately upheld by the Justice System with appropriate penalties.” 

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