Last week Magic Talk cancelled John Banks for daring to state the truth, that Maori were a stone-age culture.

Strangely though they have remained silent on utterings of another host, Sean Plunket, who mused on air on 21 January 2021 at 1:14 pm that if he had an M-16 fully automatic assault rifle, that he’d end the Teletubbies.

The silence from Magic Talk is deafening. They know about this comment because a complaint under the Broadcasting Standards Authority has been raised with them.

The BFD also tweeted Magic Talk with the audio so there can be no doubt that they are aware of the issue.

And I tweeted Mediaworks CEO Cam Wallace directly as well:

Now whilst you might think that it was a bit of fun for the host of a radio show to contemplate ending the Teletubbies in a hail of gun fire from a fully automatic assault rifle, what he is in fact saying he will kill are at least four people who perform as the Teletubbies. As I mused to Cam Wallace, was Plunket merely seeking to kill the four actors, or was he thinking of going full Charlie Hebdo and taking out all those associated with the Teletubbies?

And bear in mind that this host has been virulently anti-gun in his tweets and also on his show.


Magic Talk and Cam Wallace, it would seem, are okay with hosts like Sean Plunket musing about mass murder with automatic weapons, or guests like Martyn Bradbury inciting insurrection and calling for riots over rents. But if a host dares to state a fact, that Maori were a stone-age culture, then you get cancelled.

I wonder if Spark, Vodafone, Trademe and NZ Cricket think that a host wishing to commit mass murder with automatic weapons is okay for their brand to sit alongside of?

Spark and Vodafone it seems are not okay with having their brand alongside Sean Plunket. Uh oh…

As much at home writing editorials as being the subject of them, Cam has won awards, including the Canon Media Award for his work on the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang story. When he’s not creating the news,...