Remember when the left howled with outrage when John Key minced his way down a catwalk? ‘Embarrassing’ they screamed.

Remember when John Key went for a three-way handshake at the Rugby World Cup?

‘Cringe-worthy’, they howled.

And remember when he was tricked on a radio station into revealing that he pees in the shower?

Again it was ’embarrassing’ to have a PM who did and said such things

What then should we say about this from the ‘Queen of Covid‘?

Turns out the Prime Minister is just as sick of this year as the rest of us – and she’s suggested Kiwis celebrate New Year’s Eve by “giving it the middle finger”.

Appearing on ZM’s breakfast show with Fletch, Vaughn and Megan this morning, Ardern shared her Christmas plans and also received a personal gift from the radio hosts.

Asked when she was going to knock off for Christmas, she revealed that she won’t be, really.

“I’ll have my phone with me the whole time, but that’s as it should be when we’re in a pandemic!”

Ardern also shared a message for Kiwis at the end of what has been “quite the year”.

“I think the 31st is going to be less of a celebration of 2021 and more of a middle finger to 2020!”

The media luvvies think this is just fabulous.

But I think it reveals the inner bogan in our Prime Minister. Here she is trying to be hip and cool for the in crowd.

Imagine the howls of outrage of Judith Collins had said that?

Jacinda Ardern may want to give the middle finger to 2020, but in reality she’s given the poo finger to the economy, property rights, small business, landlords and taxpayers in general.

Luckily we only have three-year terms as I’m not sure we can afford more of the same.

As much at home writing editorials as being the subject of them, Cam has won awards, including the Canon Media Award for his work on the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang story. When he’s not creating the news,...