The Fake News legacy media have gone into overdrive, following the first presidential debate of 2020. One of their favourite topics of obfuscation has been the Proud Boys, who were briefly alluded to in the debate. The same media who’ve spent months lying that Antifa don’t even exist are indulging in an orgy of pearl-clutching lies about the Proud Boys.

This cancerous tide of fake news has even overwhelmed the supposedly “right wing” Murdoch media. Objectivity goes straight out the window from the first sentence, as the author falsely denounces the Proud Boys as a “far-right extremist group”.

But then, isn’t everyone to the right of Antifa “far-right extremists”, these days?

So, what sort of “far-right extremism” does the group espouse?

All that is required to become a Proud Boy is that a man declare he is “a Western chauvinist who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world.” We do not discriminate based upon race or sexual orientation/preference.

Good lord, it’s like listening to Hitler re-incarnate!

But no legacy media hack is going to bother with anything so tedious as actually contacting the target of their hatchet job, so the Australian’s article is completely devoid of anything the Proud Boys have to say. Instead, it’s a cavalcade of smear-jobs from left-wing activists with axes to grind.

Proud Boys affiliates have made misogynistic comments, including support for rape, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

The group has also espoused anti-Muslim, anti-transgender and anti-immigration views while some members hold white supremacist and anti-Semitic views, the ADL said.

Of course, no evidence whatsoever is presented for these claims.

In recent months, Proud Boys have fought with people protesting police treatment of Black people in Portland, Oregon, and other cities.

Those “people” would be the violent goons who have committed nearly 600 violent riots in hundreds of American cities in the last three months. In many of those riots, police refused to take action. The Proud Boys are no different from the Rooftop Koreans.

The primary organiser of the 2017 white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, that left a woman dead and dozens injured, Jason Kessler, is a former Proud Boy, according to the ADL.

It might be pertinent to mention that Kessler was kicked out of the Proud Boys because of his views. It might also be pertinent to mention that Kessler also once worked for a Democrat polling company and voted for Barack Obama.

But then, any “journalist” who writes risible sentences like the following are clearly not interested in evidence or objectivity:

Antifa is a loose network of far-left activists who have at times engaged in violence against those they view as fascist or racist.

Aren’t they just “fiery but mostly peaceful protests”?

The ridiculousness of this legacy media smear-job is rarely better exemplified than by accusing a man in a bi-racial marriage, and Hispanic man, as being leaders of a “white supremacist” group.

They actually wrote that caption with a straight face. The BFD. Picture: The Australian.

The Proud Boys was formed in 2016 by Vice Media co-founder, Gavin McInnes. Though he has since stepped down, he remains influential, researchers say. A Texas lawyer briefly took over before Enrique Tarrio took the lead, according to the ADL.

Tellingly, the Australian briefly shut down commenting and removed all existing comments after their smear-job was overwhelmingly hammered by readers.

Stop it, legacy media. We can all see what you’re doing, and it’s embarrassing.

“Misogynist” “White Supremacists” are surprisingly diverse these days. The BFD.

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Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...