Yesterday morning sopping wet hand-wringer and teleprompt reader, John Campbell, had Nicky Hager on his show to smear and hurl innuendo at the National Party.

Not that in many respects they don’t deserve it but one of his statements has to be answered.

So, Saint Nicky Hager, the purveyor of the dirtiest of politics, sourced with stolen emails provided by a criminal, says you don’t trawl through people’s emails to find political dirt.

Except if you are Nicky Hager. Then you can do it as much as you like and snivelly little oiks like John Campbell won’t even pull you up on what you just said, presumably because he thinks exactly the same way as Nicky Hager and others.

The two are them are political weasels.

I think I might send them some Weaselitos to celebrate Weasel Stomping Day.

As much at home writing editorials as being the subject of them, Cam has won awards, including the Canon Media Award for his work on the Len Brown/Bevan Chuang story. When he’s not creating the news,...