The headline claims that the “US is desperate to hire David Clark”. Wow, the whole country not only wants our failed Health Minister, but they are desperate for him? Really?

The proof of this claim comes well down the article where it is stated that “one man” asked if he was available. Wow, a whole “one man”? As if that wasn’t proof enough that the entire 400 million people of the United States were clamouring to have David Clark, it was backed up by a “second man” who asked: “can he come here n help us out?”.

So this is the standard of journalism these days. Two random unidentified people on social media identified as a “man” make a possibly facetious comment in the back blocks of nowhereville. They don’t claim to be desperate, but the Herald thinks that it would sound much more dramatic if they were, so they add that bit. And “just like that”, on the strength of two, possibly joking, random comments from totally unknown people, the whole United States is desperate for David Clark.

The BFD. Stuff up of the day. Source: NZ Herald

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