A man had a cap in his office. A cap. This man had just been elected Leader of the Opposition. Should a Leader of the Opposition not have a cap in his office? Is the idea of having a cap in the office of the Leader of the Opposition dangerous? Maybe it’s dangerous because journalists might get excited to the point of risking cardiac arrest. But then again, it’s just a cap. Why would journalists think that a cap was dangerous? Surely there had to be something more to the cap?

Was it a Hillary Clinton cap? Was it a Bernie Sanders cap? Was it a Joe Biden cap? Was it a Nancy Pelosi Cap? Was it a Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez cap? Surely those in the journalistic profession would have found any of those acceptable. Whose cap could it have been for the journalists to get in such a lather?

As we all know, it was a Donald Trump MAGA cap and the reaction from supposedly professional journalists was to become a bunch of clucking chicken lickens. Oh my goodness! Nobody has a right to or could seriously consider owning such a hideous piece of global reprehensibility.

So amongst a well-orchestrated health crisis and the beginning of the resultant economic crisis, probably the worst in this country since the Great Depression, the most important thing to journalists was – a cap. A MAGA cap. Had it been the Epsom Labour Party Branch gumboot with Jacinda’s face on it there would have been a very different reaction. No doubt this would have been praised and seen as backing up his comments on how well she has handled the crisis.

The BFD Journalist approved political memorabilia

The reactions we got from left wing-flapping journalists over the cap were nothing short of pathetic. I’d go so far as to say they denigrated their profession. Should we be surprised? No, because they seem to do it on a daily basis. They let their personal opinions get in the way of the subject of the story. The story was about the newly elected Leader of the Opposition. But the media, seeing the MAGA cap, couldn’t help themselves, and made the cap the story. How amateurish and what a very poor standard of journalistic aptitude. Even the seasoned journalist, John Roughan, picked up on it and had his own little rant about Trump in the Weekend Herald.

As far as I am concerned, anyone can have what they like displayed in their office. It could have been Judith Collins’ bra for all I care and I doubt she would have cared either. (At least that would have shown she was keeping abreast of matters.)

It was one of a number of items of political memorabilia but the media chose to pick on the cap simply because they didn’t like what it represented. How puerile. If this is the standard of journalism in this country, and it appears to be, then we are very poorly served. It’s no wonder outfits like Stuff have their begging bowls out and the Herald has the cheek to charge for material of such inferior quality.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

Todd Muller should have been the fox in the hen house and told the media that what he chooses to decorate his office with is his business and nothing to do with anyone else. I had to go to page nine of the Weekend Herald to find the item on his announcement on the assistance to small business. Had it been the cap, I’m sure I wouldn’t have had to go past page three. All of this doesn’t give much hope for decent coverage of the lead up to the election.

The best MSM article written recently about the situation in this country appeared in The Australian. It was an accurate reflection of how dire things are and will further become economically. This is a good example of why many people now get well-written articles from overseas like in The Australian or content from Sky News Australia whose current affairs programmes are far superior to anything produced here.

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.