Today’s face of the day is Sir David Skegg of the University of Otago for telling it like it is. He was not afraid to be blunt about our failures and the reality we face.

He didn’t tow the party line he was brutally honest. Give that man a DB!

“A lockdown on its own is not enough, it’s like pressing the pause button on your device”

He roasted the Government for not employing enough epidemiologists at the Ministry of Health before the pandemic.

He called for a clearer plan about where we’re heading from here.

He said that if we eradicate covid-19 we can be out of lockdown, although border restrictions would remain until a vaccine is developed (he says this could be at least a year away).

He asked for the lockdown to be as comprehensive as possible, to mitigate risk of spread. 

“Are all those businesses really essential?” he asked

He asked whether we should tighten the border restrictions more and whether we should ramp up testing even further – we’re testing a lot more now, but Skegg says that he’s heard of people who should have been tested being refused a test.

He said we need to ramp-up the contact tracing scheme.

Once we’ve locked down, we need to go after the virus itself.

He expressed concern that the Government isn’t talking clearly about elimination. He asked if the government has abandoned that goal.

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A contribution from The BFD staff.