I mentioned to SB, in what seems an embarrassingly long time ago when we were discussing The BFD, that I would write an article encouraging those of us who visit the site regularly to consider taking up one of the subscriptions on offer if they have not already done so. Maybe something told me to leave my article awhile as right now seems a very appropriate time to make the suggestion, with many publications ordered to close due to coronavirus.

The first thing I would compliment The BFD on is the variety of articles reflecting many different points of view. The second is the fact that we are able to express our many different ideas. I invite you to make the comparison with the mainstream media who only give you one narrative, their narrative. This means you canā€™t form a considered opinion as you only get one side of any topic.

Allowing for the fact that The BFD has a right-wing slant, as opposed to bias, there is room for criticism, and indeed there often is, even on subjects that we ourselves hold dear. This is the beauty of The BFD, that provided you keep within the rules, you are at liberty to say what you like. From this spring many lively discussions, all in good humour. I note that some who comment on both the General Debate and Backchat have become firm friends. As far as I know, this is unique to The BFD.

More importantly perhaps, is the fact that The BFD is completely free of outside interference apart from forces who would like to shut it down. Right now, ‘Comrade’ Ardern, drunk with power, has shut down all of the print media apart from daily newspapers, most of which arenā€™t worth reading. All community newspapers and magazine publications have been caught up in this unnecessary dictat.

This means the only news worth reading for now is on The BFD. Hence I encourage the taking up of subscriptions which are a major source of revenue. Advertising revenue is going to reduce due to the economic downturn and it will be some time before things return to normal. For The BFD, this is where the rubber hits the road, so to speak. It is imperative we do all we can to assist Cam, Juana and their devoted team of loyal helpers so they are able to continue their good work.

Just think of life without the BFD. Come to think of it, does it bear thinking about?


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The BFD. “The only news worth reading.”

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A right-wing crusader. Reached an age that embodies the dictum only the good die young. Country music buff. Ardent Anglophile. Hates hypocrisy and by association left-wing politics.