In Auckland this Monday night David Seymour will be speaking at the Flying Moa in Mt Wellington on Free Speech, Fair Firearm Laws, the Zero Carbon Bill, and Freedom to Earn.

Come and hear why more and more people are turning to ACT one year out from the election.

Our economy is at a turning point. Labour has spent two years beating up the economy with new taxes and bans on entire industries. It’s a credit to firms and workers that we aren’t in recession already. But we will face an economic downturn and the response from politicians will be critical.

We can continue politics as usual, with National promoting Labour-lite policies and Labour implementing National-lite ones. Or we can give people more control over their lives, allowing them to create new opportunities. We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to build a stronger economy by cutting the taxes and red tape that hold us back.

ACT stands for economic freedom. Only the creative energy of a free society will get us through these next few difficult years. Join David Seymour and Stephen Berry in Mt Wellington to discuss how ACT will promote economic freedom and push back on Labour’s economic record.

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