Clown world. What a cruel girl. The boy did nothing wrong and yet the judge has chosen to rule that the crybaby victim’s accusations are credible. What a delicate flower the crybaby is to wilt when her elbow is touched. Meanwhile in Rotherham hundreds of young girls are sexually abused over decades and authorities ignore them while this young man gets his life ruined for his clumsy and awkward attempts to make a friend.

‘Shy and awkward’ student, 19, who googled ‘how to make a friend’ then touched a schoolgirl, 17, on her arm and waist while trying to chat to her faces JAIL after sex assault conviction
Student Jamie Griffiths, 19, searched ‘how to make a friend’ on the internet  
He attempted to talk to a 17-year-old girl as she walked to and from college 
She told court his contact had hindered her application to Oxford University 
Durham University undergraduate was convicted of 2 charges of sexual assault
Griffiths said he was ‘very anxious’ and signed up to social media to make friends

A contribution from The BFD staff.