A couple of interesting things were shown on TV recently.

One was a privileged, rich, white, spoilt brat claiming that the world had stolen her childhood.

The second was a Country Calendar episode featuring a vineyard that sold wine under the brand name “27 Seconds“. The featured image has already given away the punchline here.

27 seconds also happens to be the correct amount of time that the hot water should flow through the freshly ground coffee beans to make a beautiful caffè crema for your flat-white.

Next time you are buying or making an espresso coffee remember that some other soul, somewhere on this beautiful planet has just been sold into slavery.

The charity that the 27 Seconds wine label supports is Hagar. The Hagar website has this ghastly statistic.

40.3 million people are estimated to be living in slavery right now.

That’s more than at any other time in history

25% of them are children,

62% are in Asia,

At least a third are women.

Trafficking, slavery, and abuse, are some of the most polarising issues of our time.

Perhaps St Greta could visit some of the young girls sold into slavery and explain to them exactly which part of her privileged childhood has been stolen?

WH is a disinformation analyst and misinformation researcher who prefers real information. Lifetime job security is assured given the volumes of climate 'crisis' misinformation available anywhere one...