Once is bad, twice is worse but when it happens a third time it is a habit. Massey University has now removed all doubt about their true stance on Freedom of Speech. They may as well add a pair of Jackboots to their coat of arms because they are as restrictive of free speech as any Communist regime. In fact, their latest action is supportive of Communist China as they are oppressing and suppressing the freedom of speech of students speaking out against the Chinese regime.

Students from Hong Kong are surprised and disappointed their posters, appealing for solidarity with protesters in Hong Kong, have been ripped down by Massey University.

  • They de-platformed Don Brash.
  • They de-platformed a feminist.
  • They have pulled down posters supporting Hong Kong’s democracy protests

Editor of The BFD: Juana doesn't want readers to agree with her opinions or the opinions of her team of writers. Her goal and theirs is to challenge readers to question the status quo, look between the...