I am thrilled to announce that The BFD from next Tuesday evening onwards will be posting a live stream at 9pm every Tuesday of the new cross-Tasman talk show, Trans-Tasman Talk, hosted by Kiwi Dieuwe de Boer from Right Minds and Aussie Tim Wilms from The Unshackled.

For those of you unfamiliar with how live streams work, they offer you the viewer the opportunity to interact with the talk show hosts. You may be able to get your question answered or have your message read out on camera.

Below are the videos of past live streams. I hope those of you who usually watch the Tuesday Nightcap video at 9pm will instead pull up a front-row seat to enjoy the live stream with our very own Dieuwe de Boer from Right Minds and Aussie Tim Wilms from The Unshackled.

Editor of The BFD: Juana doesn't want readers to agree with her opinions or the opinions of her team of writers. Her goal and theirs is to challenge readers to question the status quo, look between the...