The overweening conceit of the left since at least the 1960s has been “anti-racism”. Despite the long history of leftist racism (for instance, eugenics and social Darwinism were practically articles of faith for “progressive” politics in the early 20th century), the left has spent the last half-century endlessly patting their own backs.

Racism is the deepest evil the left can imagine. So, because, as Jim Goad says, “the modern left’s heads are so far up their own asses with the idea that they are unimpeachably good, I suspect they may all soon suffocate to death. Or maybe that’s simply wishful thinking,” the left fondly imagine that they have cornered the market on anti-racism.

Which is odd, because, as we so often see, the left is very, very racist.

After all, who is openly advocating a return to segregated public spaces? Who constantly fill column inches and bandwidth with openly racist invective? Who openly reject Martin Luther King Jr’s plea to not judge people by the colour of their skin?

But it’s not just anti-white racism which has become a fundamental precept of modern leftism. The “wrong” kind of “people of colour” are also fair game for leftist racism.

HBO writer Rae Sanni declared Wednesday that it was “okay” to call a black columnist a racial slur after he testified against slavery reparations at a House hearing.

As Aboriginal Australians like Warren Mundine or Jacinta Nampijinpa Price know, the left will readily resort to the most vicious racist abuse when it suits them.

Coleman Hughes, a 23-year-old intellectual wunderkind who writes for Quillette, was booed as he delivered remarks in opposition to H.R. 40, a bill that would establish a commission to study the payouts for African-Americans. The Columbia University undergrad said paying recompense to black Americans would make them “victims without their consent.”

Sanni, who is also black, responded by giving Twitter permission to call Hughes a “coon.”

“It’s okay, just for today, to call Coleman Hughes a coon.”

Actually, it’s never OK to revile people with a racist slur.

Unless, of course, they happen to be black and conservative.

To say that she was unapologetic is an understatement. The Los Angeles-based “Rel” staff writer and feminist comedian, went on a tweet-spree, replying to critics by pointedly repeating the offending pejorative.

Of course, anyone to the right of Marx and Engels who so much as whispered the dreaded, unspeakable “N-word” (Oh, come on, what are we? Children? If you really must say “nigger”, then just say it. Don’t hide behind gutless euphemisms) faces instant career death. But a leftist can screech racist epithets till the c-words come home, with impugnity.

In what will look to many conservatives like woke privilege, Sanni appeared totally unconcerned with the threat of “cancel culture,” which has recently imposed real career consequences on quite a few Hollywood types.

Many on the right argue that “cancel culture” displays a liberal bias and is much quicker to mobilize against individuals who aren’t associated with progressivism.

Jeremy Kappell, a conservative Christian weatherman for WHEC in Rochester, New York, was fired earlier this year after referring to a park named after Martin Luther King Jr. as “Martin Luther Coon Park” during a live broadcast. Despite some support from prominent black Americans, the station stood by its decision.

Let’s hope these “woke” r-words never go near the dairy case in an Australian supermarket. They’ll be literally shaking for days.

That’s, like, a total microaggression.

Punk rock philosopher. Liberalist contrarian. Grumpy old bastard. I grew up in a generational-Labor-voting family. I kept the faith long after the political left had abandoned it. In the last decade...