An OIA has revealed that Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter dumped at least 1000 public submissions from New Zealanders who were against her government’s Car tax proposal.

Documents released under the Official Information Act have shown that JAG’s ministry blocked New Zealanders from submitting on the car feebate proposal from a website set up by the National Party. The dumping of the submissions was justified by the Ministry who have claimed that the contributions were spam.

1594 people have made submissions through National’s website.

National is now calling on the Associate Transport Minister to reopen public consultation so that all New Zealanders who want to participate in this important debate can do so.

“It is utterly unacceptable for a Minister to ignore submissions from people who don’t agree with her, and to even go as far as blocking opposing views,” Mr Bridges says.

“It’s hypocritical for the Government to block submissions on forms supplied by National when it had no problem accepting 4190 submissions on the Zero Carbon Bill that were based on forms supplied by the likes of Generation Zero, Greenpeace and Forest & Bird.

In August Julie Anne Genter claimed that about 80 per cent of online responses supported the car tax. Given that we now know that her ministry dumped at least a thousand submissions that were against the proposal her claim is on shaky ground.

“She was ignoring the thousands who spoke out against the proposal through submissions and National’s petition. The reality is most New Zealanders do not support Labour’s car tax.

“This is yet more evidence that this Government can’t be trusted on transport and Julie Anne Genter cannot be trusted to operate in a fair, open and transparent manner.

National Party Press Release

A contribution from The BFD staff.